Salted Lips of Time - Original

By Michael Reid

10th November 1978

This was essentially the original version, before it was turned into a song.

Salted Lips of Time

Reaching from a wind-swept dream,
A silent pleasure-ground of smiling sun
And dancing seas, eternity above,
A fire within.

Sailing, gliding, sifting promises
Of love-dried sand through answered cries;
A seagull diving, I above, unclothed
And free, licking salted lips of time -
And life, a fresh-blown memory
On morningʼs eyes.

Alive, enchanted, feeling with the sky
And for a world apart, a past denied
A dream embraced, my wind-swept dream,
My sailing, silent carousel of love,
This freshness draining tears to sighs,
And pleasure to our Motherʼs mastery.

Moruya Heads, November 1978 (as amended)

©️ Michael Reid 1978-2011


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