From Devonport to Sulphur Creek

A little poem I wrote of our splendid Day Five:

Day Five

‘Twas farewell to Davenport and Mersey Bluff park

As we wanted to reach our next venue by dark

So we dropped in to various shops for supplies

Before heading north-west under bright summer skies.


After detouring up to see Brandon’s Lookout

Where we shared simple food with grand viewing about

Then we rejoined the Bass for a very short roam

To the home of Blue Banner in old Ulverstone.


The pickling factory was a pleasant surprise

Now a multi-dimensional food enterprise

With a lemon meringue to make a grown man cry

And great coffee to boot, ‘twas a heart-felt goodbye.


Then onwards we drove into the Abbotsham’s hills

To Cradle Coast Olives where old time just stands still

With award-winning oil for salads and stewing

We headed for Ulverstone’s Island State Brewing.


After sampling an Emperor Penguin IPA

We needed to locate the next place we would stay

Then Valoury took us to the place we did seek

And we jagged a grand spot along old Sulphur Creek


So we set up our camp and we bunked down to stay

We felt we’d accomplished such a lot for one day 

Then we counted the distance we’d travelled along

Only 36 k’s - hell, this trip might be long….


©️ Michael Reid 2024


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