Sponsor ClubMaster Clubs

Sponsoring a ClubMaster Club or Page
Current Sponsorship Rates and Terms
Online Sponsor Registration & Payment

We are delighted to welcome you as a potential (or returning) ClubMaster Club Sponsor.

The ClubMaster Clubs are comprised of Primary Clubs, Generalist Clubs, and their respective Specialist Clubs. Here is an example of each Club Classification:

Primary and Generalist Clubs are all owned and managed by ClubMaster, whereas specialist Clubs may be owned and managed by Members.

Sponsors are invited to sponsor as many Clubs as they wish (subject to availability), and may select multiple Primary, Generalist and Specialist Clubs, or may wish to simply sponsor a single Club.

All sponsorship is subject to approval by ClubMaster and the sponsored Club, which approval may be withdrawn at any time. Please read the ClubMaster Terms of Business.

If you’re not yet a ClubMaster Member, you’re welcome to review all Membership Options here.

Primary Clubs are broad sector Clubs, and are the entry point to all related Generalist Clubs. Generalist Clubs are industry or activity specific Clubs. Where an example of a Primary Club is The Sports & Recreation Club, examples of a Generalist Club are The Sports Club and The Rugby Club. All Primary and Generalist Clubs are owned by ClubMaster and managed by The ClubMaster Team.

Specialist Clubs are usually associated with a specific group, an Association, or an operating Club external to ClubMaster. Specialist Clubs might be owned by ClubMaster or by a ClubMaster Member.

Members are invited to sponsor Clubs and/or Club Pages.

ClubMaster Club Page Sponsorship includes a rotating banner placement on the Club's home page, with a maximum of 8 Sponsors per Club in rotation, with placements on the related public, subscriber and member page.

Public Club Page – One Banner
Subscriber Club Page – One Banner
Member Club Page – One Banner

Below are the rates currently available for sponsoring ClubMaster Club pages on ClubMaster.com. Rates are subject to change without notice. Rates are inclusive of GST where applicable, and represent four weeks of consecutive placement on the selected Club pages. Please note the rates quoted represent the standard rates for Primary Clubs and Generalist Clubs, and the default rates for Specialist Clubs. Sponsorship rates for Specialist Clubs are determined by agreement between ClubMaster and the Club Owner, and may vary significantly from Club to Club.

Discounts apply for sponsorship of multiple Clubs, and for longer term bookings. Discounts are also applied based on the Sponsor's ClubMaster Membership Level, above a specified Membership Level.

Sponsorship Fees for Specialist Clubs which are not owned by ClubMaster are shared by agreement between the Club and ClubMaster.

Commencement dates will be subject to availability. Sponsors booked for pages already taken will be placed on a waiting list in priority order of date received, or may switch their Sponsorship to other ClubMaster Clubs.

Sponsorship Fees quoted are the media fees for placement of banners on your selected ClubMaster Club pages, and exclude any associated design, production, or printing. As Sponsor, you will be responsible for the artwork, and will asked to provide the file or files in the format, type and size requested by ClubMaster from time to time.

Sponsorship Fees vary between Primary, Generalist, and Specialist Clubs. Fees also vary based on the number of Clubs sponsored, the duration of the sponsorship, and the Membership Level of the sponsor. Generally speaking, the greatest discounts are attached to multi-Club, long term commitments from high level Members.

As noted previously, Sponsorship Fees for Specialist Clubs are set individually, and any fees quoted in tables are the default fees which apply when no Club-specific fees have been loaded. Before proceeding to the Sponsorship Booking page and selecting the Clubs you wish to sponsor, you're invited to use the tool below to calculate the Sponsorship Media Fees based on different parameters. Please note that Club Page Sponsorship relates to a presence on the sponsored Club's Public, Subscriber, and Member home pages.

Sponsorship Fees vary between Primary, Generalist, and Specialist Clubs. Fees also vary based on the number of Clubs sponsored, the duration of the sponsorship, and the Membership Level of the sponsor. Generally speaking, the greatest discounts are attached to multi-Club, long term commitments from high level Members.

As noted previously, Sponsorship Fees for Specialist Clubs are set individually, and any fees quoted in tables are the default fees which apply when no Club-specific fees have been loaded.

Before proceeding to the Sponsorship Booking page and selecting the Clubs you wish to sponsor, you're invited to use the tool below to calculate the Sponsorship Media Fees based on different parameters. Please note that Club Page Sponsorship relates to a presence on the sponsored Club's Public, Subscriber, and Member home pages.


Primary Clubs  
Sponsorship Type: Page Sponsorship
No. of Clubs:
No. of Weeks:





Generalist Clubs  
Sponsorship Type: Page Sponsorship
No. of Clubs:
No. of Weeks:



Total Fees in $AU:



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