A representation of a dream from the night before.

With Lennon in Heaven

Lennon sat at my table, I barely recognized him

Slouching over soup with spoon suspended in the air

Composing, maybe dreaming of peace, he lowered his spoon

And from the bowl removed a hair, and placed it on

The plate beneath - I tried to catch his eye

To introduce myself and trade erudite one-liners

And become his closest friend - he caught my eye

And asked me to pass the jug of water please, his

Accent lingered in the air as he thanked me and

Left me for his soup spoon and his musings.

I would bide my time, I thought, and speak up

Between the fish and the fruit salad, I was rewarded

When he looked at me and smiled, and said "it seems

To me you've come a long way just to say hello"

"Well yes" I hesitated, then "I was quite clear I've

Only come to visit, I do intend to head back soon"

"And good luck to you - don't lose your passport" he

Chuckled and looked around. It was a large hall,

I couldn't see the end, either end, the tables went

On and on, so many faces, I looked back and John was

Gone, no, he was beside me, and we were alone as the

Others left into the mist, he said "I had a mate called

Kangaroo, some time ago now, and here's another one;

Don't fear death, unless you've been more bad than good,

Is that what you wanted to hear? Well it's not that

Simple, Kangaroo Two, but it's close enough until you

Graduate - stand by that and you can't go too wrong.

Oh, and while you're living, being famous is fine,

Only avoid Very Famous like the plague."

He patted my shoulder (it was my right shoulder)

He left me seated, and walked away, the mist receeded

I had not noticed that before, and as he walked

He called back "See you Kangaroo Two"

Exit left, still Very Famous Lennon.


16 December 1991

Kenmore, Brisbane


©️Michael Reid 1991, all rights reserved.



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