Following the death of my brother.

The Greatest of Guys

The greatest of guys has just left us,

He's taken his last boat to sea
He's driven his last fancy vehicle,

He's taken the life out of me.

My big brother hero just left me,
He's saved me just so many times,

He'd counsel against rash decisions,

Then sup on the smokes and the vines.

He was all you could want at a party,

The sharpest one lines in the house,

Way too many jokes to remember,

The lion and never the mouse.

His actions defined his commitment,
To his wife and his children and me,
The rule that he taught was to give more,

And to love as the fish loves the sea.

He taught that you can be too serious,

He's left such a strong legacy
His actions spoke louder than words,

Lived with honesty, integrity.

The strength that he showed was enormous,

When faced with his terminal fate,
He accepted the cards that were dealt him,

Then worried for those in his wake.

He doubled the time they had given,

He told us to live and not grieve,
He cared more for those left behind,

And so tripled the love he would leave.

Farewell from your mother and father,

Farewell from your family and friends,

We are all so much richer for your life,

We will bask in your gifts to the end.

The greatest of guys has just left us,

He's taken his last boat to sea
He's driven his last fancy vehicle,

He's taken the life out of me.


Mick Reid

April 2014


© Michael Geoffrey Reid 2014, all rights reserved




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