A couple of stages of grief….

Sweet Princess

If you can say our love is lost
And futureʼs warmth to seasoned frost,

If you can smile a last goodbye
To eyes that never dreamed deny,
If you can name one kiss the last
And loving nights a pleasant past,
If you can hold short memʼries dear
And cast them in unconscious fear,

Then shed my tears while youth remains

To walk the seasoned fightersʼ lanes,

And banish Timeʼs eternal pain.

But if, my heart, you feel the fire
Still kindling with our past desire,
If you can feel unseasoned arms
And whispered moans of natures charms,

If you can smile on evening walks
And teasing silent loversʼ talks,
If you remember past still new
And waiting for the reckless few,
Then cast aside all mortal bonds
And teach me what is right and wrong;

And I will draw the sun to you
With love which Time will neʼer undo -

Sweet Princess, in a lifeʼs debut.


Michael Reid
June 1977 (as amended)

© Michael Geoffrey Reid 1977-2011, all rights reserved



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