Olive Harvesting in Geelong, Australia

By Michael Reid

1st May 2024

The GROC Method

We learnt early on that efficiency in the harvesting process was critical for any chance of producing value for money and consistently great quality extra virgin olive oil.  Doing things by hand produced mixed results so we changed our work practices and groomed our trees for mechanical harvesting.

Instead of weeks to complete the harvest, it is now usually completed within 2-3 days.  We have our Extra Virgin Olive Oil back to us from the processing plant within 24 hours and begin the settling process immediately in our Stainless Steel tanks.

Our crop sizes have been as big as 30,000kg with oil yields of ~5,000+L of Extra Virgin Olive oil. Given our scale we aim to be a value provider of extra virgin olive oil and not a small scale boutique provider.  At full production we are expecting around 50,000kg of fruit.

We still consider ourselves Artisans because we learn as much as we can about our trade and put all our love and skill into producing our products for you.  We've never needed to buy oil or fruit from elsewhere having been a seller of fruit and oil to other growers given our size.


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