Declaration of International Rights and Responsibilities

By Michael Reid

19th December 2024

A summary of my proposed new Declaration

Declaration of International Rights and Responsibilities:

This is a broad-brush summary, which requires reference to the Citizens Protocol, and other selected documents. These will result in a continual updating of the following. In the meantime, let's get the conversation started...!!!


A Summary of the Elements:

Water - Free water for all Citizens, Residents, Visitors

Food - Open market sources for all Citizens, Residents, Visitors - Free for all PC’s*

Communication - Open market sources for all Citizens, Residents, Visitors - Free for all PC’s*

Power - Warming, Cooling, Lighting, Cooking (these free for all PC’s*), Transportation, Production

Health - Free Healthcare for all Citizens and Residents (plus limited Healthcare for visitors)

Childcare - Free Childcare for all Citizens and Residents (plus limited Childcare for visitors)

Education - Free Education for all Citizens and Residents (plus limited Education for visitors)

Law and Order - Free Protection for all Citizens, Residents, Visitors

Essential Elements:

Infrastructure - Services, Transportation - Free for all PC’s*

Industry - Free Enterprise under Duty of Care Doctrine

Democracy - Doctrine of the Separation of Powers (Government, Law, Religion/Belief)

Community - Protection under Duty of Care Doctrine

Opportunity Equality - Zero discrimination simply by virtue of race, gender, sexual orientation, age, or religion

Individual And Collective Role - No rights without responsibilities.


*PC’s are Protected Citizens.


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