19th December 2024
A White Paper - Australia’s Core Values
Equality for All - Rights to education, health, worship
The individual right to choose career, partner, course of study
Commitment to respect and protect Citizens
Commitment to a democratic society
Belief in a free enterprise, laissez faire economy
Commitment to the rule of law and undertaking to act lawfully
Acknowledgement of marriage as two adult people of any gender in a relationship of
Responsibility not to incite hatred or violence
Belief in society providing care for the Genuinely Disadvantaged
Belief in the direct correlation between contribution and entitlements, for all but the
Genuinely Disadvantaged
Acknowledgment of both rights and responsibilities
Employers and employees to demonstrate mutual care
Rejection of any individual, organisation or religion which promotes a restriction of the
rights of Citizens
Citizenship bestows benefits which are unavailable to non-citizens;
Citizenship is bestowed at birth;
Citizenship may be suspended or cancelled;
Temporary or Probationary Citizenship may be bestowed on refugees and immigrants who
otherwise meet the requirements of Citizenship;
A Citizen who is Genuinely Disadvantaged becomes a Protected Citizen, either temporarily
or permanently depending on the nature of the Disadvantage, subject to otherwise
meeting the reasonable requirements of Citizenship;
The Genuinely Disadvantaged may include the young, the elderly, and the physically or
mentally disabled.
Rules of Citizenship:
A Citizen who is convicted of a criminal offence will have their Citizenship suspended;
A Citizen who is convicted of treason, a major criminal offence, or a series of criminal
offences, will have their Citizenship revoked;
A Temporary or Probationary Citizen who is charged with a criminal offence will have their
Citizenship suspended;
A Temporary or Probationary Citizen who is convicted of a criminal offence will have their
Citizenship revoked, and will be repatriated to their country of origin;
Definition of a Citizen:
A Citizen is one who seeks to exhibit good character, and consideration for all other
Citizens; who acknowledges the direct correlation between contribution and entitlements;
who recognises the need to care for the Genuinely Disadvantaged; who declares and
practices respect for other Citizens; who respects and honours the rule of law and the
tenets of justice; who promotes and practices equality amongst genders and races; who
understand that the role as Citizen exceeds personal religious convictions;
Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities
I hereby commit:
To be a Citizen;
To honour the Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities;
To live with honour and decency;
To contribute positively to society to the best of my ability;
To the pursuit of justice;
To the pursuit of peaceful resolution;
To government elected by the majority of adult Citizens of sound mind;
To the right of every adult Citizen of sound mind to vote by secret ballot;
To the right of every adult Citizen of sound mind to worship;
To equality between all races and genders of Citizens;
To the elimination of poverty amongst all Citizens;
To the protection of all Citizens from persecution;
To the protection of young, weak, sick, infirm, and elderly Citizens;
To the right of every Citizen to education, health care, employment and physical protection;
To the right of every Citizen to have freedom of speech without persecution;
To actively support and welcome the success of all Citizens who commit to and honour
The Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities.
The Rights of a Citizen
The right to reside in the Country
The right to live freely
The right to be employed or self employed
The right to personal choice in the pursuit of career, partner, religion, or course of study
The right to be protected by a democratic system of government, supported by the
doctrine of the separation of powers
The right to participate in the nomination and selection of candidates for members of
The right to vote at public elections and referenda by secret ballot
The right to receive a public education
The right to choose, at cost, private education
The right to receive high quality public medical care
The right to choose, at cost, private medical care
The right to live in safety and free of oppression
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