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Welcome to The Travelling Reidburys

The Travelling Reidburys is the name given to us by my old school friend Feyny as we discussed, over a Sydney Cider, Sammy's and my plans to travel the country aboard our Toyota Coaster camper van called 'Valoury', the naming of which is explained by Sammy in the History page.

We purchased Valoury in January 2021, the reasoning also in History. This caused a major re-think about our future business activities, in particular the development and promotion of the ClubMaster project. To cut a long story short, we effected a 'pivot' 😂 of the business model, to enable ClubMaster to go permanently on the road - no physical office other than our six-wheeled camper van.

Now suitably branded, Valoury is on the road around Australia researching potential markets and Members, whilst we meet wonderful people and visit extraordinary places throughout this great country. If you see us passing by, give us a wave. If we're stopped, feel free to come and say hello. Our business, our life, is you...


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