An exceptional selection of Australian art is now for sale from my private collection.
For the benefit of any Members who collect indigenous art, I've loaded on the CMX Marketplace a selection of works for sale. At present they're listed with fixed prices, however once CMX has released its Auctions module, I'm proposing to create an auction sometime in 2023 for any unsold works.
These works are all quality works, and the indigenous works were purchased between 2005 and 2012 from the highly respected Fireworks Gallery in Brisbane, Australia.
You will note in the Listings that I will accept select fiat currency and/or Bitcoin in full consideration.
To view the various works simply go to the Painting section within the Art, Artifacts & Collectibles portfolio.
Painted for her 21st birthday - I suspect she’s thrown it out…!!! 😛
I've never had decent photos taken of any of my attempts at art, and only seem to have a few examples which have been photographed at all. Here's one of them. I don't recall exactly when it was completed, so I've taken a guess.
I've never had decent photos taken of any of my attempts at art, and only seem to have a few examples which have been photographed at all. Here's one of them. I don't recall when it was painted, so I've taken a guess.
I've never had decent photos taken of any of my attempts at art, and only seem to have a few examples which have been photographed at all. Here's one of them. I don't recall when it was painted, so I've taken a guess.
I've never had decent photos taken of any of my attempts at art, and only seem to have a few examples which have been photographed at all. Here's one of them. I don't recall when it was painted, so I've taken a guess.
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